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 Syrian Brown Bear (Grizzly) at

 GarLyn Zoo Wildlife Park

Syrian Brown Bear - the Smallest of the Grizzly Family


  Syrian BrownBear at GarLyn Zoo   Cougar, Puma, Panther or Mountain Lion at GarLyn Zoo

     Millie is pictured above at about 12 weeks old. She is cute and a bit sassy at this age. She will grow to be 600 or 700 hundred pounds. This is the smallest of the brown bears. The Kodiac is the largest.

     Hutch was aquire a year after Millie. Below are some pictures of hutch at about 3 to 4 years old. King the dog was Millies companion before we got Hutch and has stayed with the two Grizzly Bears for about 8 years. King was taken out of the bears and is raised over by the house now. Dogs age faster than bears do and he is an old dog now and not able to keep up with Hutch any longer. Millie passed away a couple years ago to unknown causes and so we got a couple of black bears to keep Hutch company. You can see pictures of the black bear by clicking HERE.


Bearat GarLyn Zoo   Brown Bear at GarLyn Zoo   Syrian Brown Bear pond at GarLyn Zoo


Grizzly Bear at GarLyn Zoo   Bear at GarLyn Zoo   Dog and grizzly bear at GarLyn Zoo


Grizzly Bear at GarLyn Zoo   Hutch and King at GarLyn Zoo   Hutch and Millie at GarLyn Zoo

  Hutch Relaxing at GarLyn Zoo   Hutch Doing Yoga at GarLyn Zoo

Click on the link below to hear some animal sounds at the zoo
Animal Sounds